Monday, 2 July 2012

Wednesday Wishlist- 27th June

As many of you know, I am totally against high street shopping. Mostly because the fabric is dreadful, synthetic tosh and the quality of craftsmanship is just awful. However in Nottingham city centre we have recently had an Aubin and Wills open.

Aubin and Will was opened in 2008 by *cough* Jack Wills *cough*. I will try not to go on for too long about this but I hate Jack Wills and EVERYTHING about it. You really cannot fathom how much hate I have for it. So on visiting Aubin and Wills for the first time I had very low expectations.

However it's a beautifully presented, light, modern, uncluttered shop with plenty of space to browse the lovely evenly spaced rails. Although none of the designs or prints are particularly ground breaking the styles are super easy to wear and the fabrics are amazing. They are so soft. Mmmmmmm.

I know it still doesn't really sound like my thing, but working from home now I don't want to wear anything too restrictive or delicate, yet my pyjamas just make me want to go back to sleep. I just want to throw something on with socks or tights and not look like a total tramp.

Although it's very much on the pricey side they have a sale on at the moment with 50% off a lot of their stuff. This makes it more slightly acceptable considering how much I'm going to wear the stuff! You can shop online here :

And so I leave you with two bits I'm hoping to unwrap on my birthday!!

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